If you want to connect the switch to LED lights, pay attention to the inrush currents indicated by the manufacturer in the technical data sheets: LED lights contain the circuits they need to function which, when switched on, can absorb a very high current, even several dozen times higher than the rated current declared for the lamp. As indicated in our data sheets, the absorption limit of iotty switches is 5A for each relay and a higher inrush current value may damage the contacts of the iotty plate relays, causing them to lock and invalidating the warranty. Therefore, please always check not only the operating value, but also the inrush value.
The solution:
Insert an auxiliary (external) relay between the iotty plate and your source. We recommend a solid-state relay (SSR) with zero crossing switching and a capacity of at least 10A.
However, ask your electrician to help you identify the appropriate electrical specifications (voltage/current) for your source and the type of set-up you require (e.g. SPST monostable relay if you configure your plate buttons as switches or a pulse relay if you configure them as pushbuttons).
Wiring diagram: