To monitor the energy consumption of your devices, you will first need to enter or change the kWh price by following the steps below:
- open the app
- click on the name of the "home" at the top and click on the pencil
- in the box under "Energy cost per kw" enter the cost per kWh indicated on your bill.
For each key you will then have to add the power of the load/lamp controlled.
To do this, go to the "devices" section and click on > of the first device to go into its settings. Scroll down to "power of load/lamp controlled" item and enter the value in Watts.
Now go back and follow the same procedure for your other devices.
The sockets will automatically detect the power of the connected load so you don’t need to enter any value.
To view your consumption, go to the “statistics” section, which can be found in the banner at the bottom.
At this point you will be able to see the consumption of the rooms and, by clicking on the > on the icon of each room, you can check the consumption of the individual device.